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Writer's pictureL. S. Thomas

Our State of Affairs, and a first post, no looking back!

Updated: Sep 7, 2023

What is the struggle of the average young adult living in the modern age? What motivates him, what pushes him in a world that seems to be operating only to crush his spirit. What makes him get up in the morning, when he knows he may never own property, may never be able to afford kids, may never even be able to find someone who loves him; and I don't mean a shallow, lifeless kind of love. I mean a wonderful, effortful love that encapsulates his very being. Will anyone ever take the time to slow down and see him, in a world were every movement seems to be played at 1.5x speed; faster scrolling, faster typing, faster emotions, faster new cycles, deaths forgotten faster, tragedies forgotten much too soon. What then can we do, in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds. Certainly not a novel struggle, I am sure. Certainly every generation feels the same way? To each his own struggle, to all their own misery. But today, on this particular day, where all the news can reach all the people, where all the people reach all the news, each person viewing their own version of the tragedy unfolding before them, for yes it is a tragedy. "If it bleeds it leads". Now more than ever, this seems evident. Blood is flowing and the people cannot look away. Today the PM Trudeau and Pierre Poilievre, hurled schoolyard insults at each other, with the rest of the parliament "oohing" and "aahing" like our all-too-familiar instigatory, recalcitrant friends would do standing around in a circle. It was comical to the point of absurdity, that this is how the so-called leaders of our nation act, when the country is burning, people can't afford groceries, interest payments, insurance, the number and severity of homeless people and altercations are dramatically increasing; more and more brutal and senseless killings every day. Is this what our bright future has come too? Perhaps it has always been like this, perhaps the only difference now is, the light shines on much more than our sympathetic eyes can and should be taking in. And yes, we are sympathetic. You may think we are not, but we understand. We understand the struggles of the crackhead slowly nodding in the middle of the sidewalk, high out of his mind. We have all read or heard the literature on addiction. We understand why people are losing their jobs left and right, so to be replaced by AI. We know technological innovation and profit maximization are two sided swords after all. But despite our understanding, we are left with no way to help, no way to lift our hands in defiance, for who will help us? Who will set our house in order if we are away assisting someone else? Despite our understanding, it seems like it is meaningless to try and help, and this is because there is also a lot we do not understand. We do not understand how millions, if not billions of dollars are being spent on a war, yet there are single mothers and father fighting every day to feed their kids. We do not understand how the amount of opium consumption is at record levels in our streets, yet police seemingly turn a blind eye to open use in the streets… we do not understand how indigenous Canadians are some of the most marginalized and disproportionately affected groups in Canada, yet we bicker and moan about how oppressed immigrants are... we do not understand how the rat race is so glorified, yet running that race makes us feel like our lungs are about to collapse. What a crazy, unpredictable time to be alive. For all those young adults out there, trying to figure out what to make of all this; try and focus on what is in front of you everyday. You cannot save the starving child in India, you cannot rescue the mother of two daughter's who was stabbed in a nearby neighbourhood, believe me, as much as you may want to, you cannot. You CAN work everyday to the fullest of your ability. Carpe Diem or die. Make use of this limited time that we are gifted, tragic as it may seem, it will be beautiful at some point. It will all make sense one day. Strive, strive for more, to live fuller, to appreciate deeper, to love completely. You will flourish.

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